Patient- and Family-Centered Care

Module Materials

Does your practice want to involve patients and families, but don’t know how to get started?

Involving patients and families in their health care decisions is a key part of practice transformation. This module will provide a comprehensive overview of what patient- and family-centered care is, and how to engage patients and families in their care and the care provided in your practice.

Learning Objectives

  • Discuss the definitions and key concepts of patient- and family-centered care and how to apply to patient care.
  • Describe the role of the family in patient care.
  • Describe the key components of patient- and family-centered care as a business transformational tool.
  • Describe the role of patients and families as members of the health care team across the continuum of care.

Who should complete this module?

The information in this module is valuable for clinicians.

1 CME credit available

1 hour to complete

Patient- and Family-Centered Care