Funders and Partners of CU e-Learning

No educational organization operates alone or without the assistance of others. CU e-learning has been privileged to have the financial support through grant funding from several state and national organizations over the years.  This support has allowed us to create and maintain educational opportunities that explore and explain the changing healthcare landscape. Importantly, no commercial funds have been used for the development of CU e-Learning, and our modules do not promote any medications, devices, or products.

We Recognize and Thank our Funders:

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ): Provided funding for our ENSW and Facilitating Alcohol Screening and Treatment (FAST) e-learning modules, which integrate the latest information and evidence on cardiovascular disease and unhealthy alcohol use.

Colorado Health Extension System: Provided funding for our modules centered around integrating behavioral health into primary care visits and our ENSW modules. These modules advance the goal of practice transformation by Practice Transformation Organizations through providing background, evidence, and tools that help practices transform how they provide healthcare.

The Colorado Health Foundation (TCHF): Provided the initial funding for our modules centered around creating a patient-centered medical home (PCMH).

Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE): Provided funding for our Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementia (ADRD) module, which serves as provider and staff training opportunities for addressing ADRD and improving patient care.

The American Board of Family Medicine: Provided funding for the development of modules for family medicine Diplomates.

Is there an e-Learning need in your future?

We are looking for new opportunities to help transform healthcare into quality whole-patient care.  If you have a need for specialized educational healthcare content for a state or national initiative or program, we’d love to hear from you. Email us at