Cost and Value of Care
Module Materials
Cost and Value of Care
Welcome to the Cost and Value of Care module, an ABFM-approved Performance Improvement (PI) activity eligible for PI credits toward Family Medicine Certification Requirements. This module will assist you in identifying and implementing key concepts related to improving patient care while controlling cost.
As you complete this module, you will receive hands-on practice in evaluating care measure outcomes; identifying measures for improvement; and devising a method, or intervention, to provide value-based care. The “10 Building Blocks of High Performing Care” are described and integrated into the work required to complete this module.
As change and success are more readily accomplished as a team, you are encouraged to involve your staff in determining what kind of intervention would best benefit your patients and practice and in developing the plan for implementing the intervention.
If you wish to receive credit from ABFM, the following criteria must be met.
- Submissions must be completed within a 12-month window (not calendar year).
- You must implement your intervention for at least 7 days. Note that all submissions within the module are timestamped. Therefore, submit your pre-intervention plan prior to implementing your intervention. Submit your post-intervention data and plan upon completion of your intervention.
Unless you fulfill these obligations, you will only receive a certificate of completion at the end of this module.
Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this module, the learner should be able to:
- Collect data for a clinical measure and recognize data as a tool for monitoring for successful change.
- Identify at least one evidence-based quality indicators for cost and value of care considerations.
- Develop and implement a quality improvement plan using SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, timely) goals.
- Apply knowledge gained from a post-intervention data audit to improve their intervention via a second Plan, Do, Study, Act (PDSA) cycle.
Who should Complete this Module?
The information in this module is valuable for clinicians.